Friday, 4 January 2008


Tobias Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid created the Gold Pill. Which is a pill dipped in gold and filled with a 24-karat gold leaf.

It claims to make your poop sparkle. For those who like to see their poop sparkle, this is the perfect thing for you :P i don't really think we see our poop and admire haha
The fashion industry has made many bold leaps and bounds..but I don't think I support this one. Astonishingly people are paying $425.00 a tablet just so their sh*t will sparkle.I am thoroughly disgusted and not surprised at celebrities that are vain enough to make their poop twinkle...

This is a fashion accessory that I can live without..But if for some bizzare reason you would like to purchase this you can visit or click here

I didn't think you would :P


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha cnt stop laughin

LoveHateSensation said...

I heard about this, and i thought i was the only one who found it weird.

The things people waste their money on never ceases to amuse me.

Anonymous said...
